Tuesday, November 4, 2008


A friend writes. He senses that we may be coming out of the darkness. Indeed, we may.

The earth itself feels a great sense of relief. Visualize: gentle rain on parched earth. Imagine: a hand extended in kindness. Focus: on the path ahead. Breathe. Fill your lungs. Release. Relax. For tonight at least we can, we should savor this.

Nature has righted Herself and the nightmare may well be drawing to a close. The margin could have been greater but is acceptable. The body politic is perhaps redeemed. We ourselves feel profound relief. Going forward, no longer ashamed of the actions taken in our name, we may again hold up our heads.

We assert a rightful, a just place on the world stage.  Room for others; room for us. We recognize the difficulties that we face, but now we may address them intelligently, carefully, and we may anticipate success.

The Old Amigo knows better, but he nonetheless feels like dancing.

"Here. Look at this rock!"
"No. Sorry, that one is wrong too."
"Oh, okay."
"Yes it is."

1 comment:

Al said...

Well said, Mike.