Sunday, November 2, 2008

Guardedly Optimistic

Last night I read that African Americans were guardedly optimistic that Barack Obama might be elected President of the United States. I share their optimism; I share their guardedness. 

Obama has the education & knowledge, the charisma, the speaking ability, the calm & intelligent demeanor. He has the excellent & rare combination of confidence and humility necessary to select the right advisors. He neither deludes himself that he possesses all the answers; nor is he afraid to surround himself with the best & brightest. He has the vision to set us on a better course. 

When you compare the Obama/Biden ticket to its Republican counterpart, the Democrats should win it in a landslide. It should make LBJ's 1964 victory over Goldwater look like a photo finish. Alas, the Republican misinformation machine is going full tilt. In many states, there is a concerted effort to disenfranchise many bona fide, registered voters. The Third Estate should be up in arms over this, but the mainstream media is now largely a gelded, wholly-owned subsidiary of the Right.

So we wait on pins and needles until Wednesday morning.

It would speak well of our country if we were to elect the better candidate. It would speak volumes if we could do it by a landslide, but I'll be satisfied if we can do it by a whisker. 

I'll be relieved if it is not stolen yet again from the American People. If we can get back on a decent, humane path, all will be well.

Then Play On... The Old Amigo might still be on the wrong rock, but it would be a good one.

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