Thursday, November 13, 2008

PHP Tutorial

Well, the Old Amigo found a PHP tutorial on the web...

I can see why some folks don't like PHP much.  It seems to've grown by accretion (no, I'm not saying that anyone's a cretin) into a humungus blob o' functions with a syntax reminiscent of an offspring of Visual Basic on a one night stand w/ C.  Or something like that.

Still, lots of folks use it, and it's not too hard to understand in it more simple forms.  And, of course, it's got a well-accepted interface to MySQL.  In fact, the tutorial upon which I stumbled segues right from PHP to MySQL to using PHP to have its way with MySQL.

Just what the Old Amigo ordered.

Now, I spent several hours on this today, and my brain is a bit foggy.  

I got a strong recommendation to drop Django and spend some time learning YUMA.  The first part I can easily do right now!  Re: the second part: I looked some at YUMA and it looks good, so I've put it on my ToDo stack... which seems to suffer more pushes than pops.

Angel, Uncle R., Cousin R., and now Cousin M (who was stuck in traffic but got here this afternoon) are up looking at Hurricane Ridge.  They had to take Uncle R's car 'cause Cousin M's had a nail in the right rear tire.  Uncle R. pulled some channel locks out of his trunk and was all for pulling the sucker out, but we convinced him that it'd be better if we left the nail in place and dropped Cousin M's car off at the local tire store.

For a while, M**2 was reading the paper upstairs.  Now she's gone out to the guest house to watch some Tube.  Me, I think I'll eat a bit of a snack and play some guitar.

Once my brain is defogged some, I think I'll read my Learning Python textbook and do some of the exercises in there.

All-in-all it was a good day and promises more along those lines as the evening approaches.

The rock may be wrong, but it's looking okay.

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