Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Rain and Relatives

We have out-of-town guests.

I like my in-laws.  They are fun to be around.  One of our visitors is a cousin of Angel's, Cousin R.  He's a university professor.  Very intelligent and personable.  I enjoy talking with him; although we hardly saw each other today today (he hung out in the guest house and worked while I hung out in my office in the basement and did the same).

Next week he goes to Geneva to lecture.  Like I said, he's a smart guy.

Then there's Uncle R.  He's a retired truck driver.  Has lots of native intelligence and practical knowledge.  Like me, he enjoys green tea.  I've spent quite a bit of time chatting with Uncle R.  Today we talked about microwave ovens and electric lawn tractors.  And forklifts.

Finally, there is M**2.  That's Angel's mom.  She'll be staying on with us after Uncle R. and Cousin R. leave.  She'll move out to the guest house, which is finally done.  She specifically wanted to visit during the dark time of the year.  And so she has.

It is good that we all get along and have plenty of space to get out of each other's hair, because it's been raining for a couple of days now... on-and-off, but mostly on.  The weather forecast says that it's supposed to stop raining and be mostly clear for about a week.  That would be welcome.  While I love the rain, we didn't get the garden finished.  A long story, that:

  • Farm Girl has to take care of her farm

  • Notof is in jail - nothing too serious

  • Carlos works for the Blind Man

  • I'm trying to learn Python, PHP, C#, MySQL, and a little Django

  • ...and the incomplete part of the garden is about 12" in water
OTOH, I've figured out a strategy to finish the little bit that remains.  All I need is a few dry days for the water to soak in.  It's going to be great.

The compost is coming right along too.

My yoga classes are starting to develop.  Four classes at The Gym.  Another level 2 vinyasa class at the studio in Uptown.  I love teaching yoga.  It is too bad that it pays poverty wages.  Still, if I am able to get a good grasp of most of the above programming technologies, I may be able to get some work applying them... and that would pay above the poverty level.

Which would be very nice indeed.

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