Sunday, December 7, 2008

Star Trek Voyager & National Politics

The planets align:

Jeri Ryan's (aka "7 of 9" of STV fame) phaser is always set to Maximum Stun, if you catch the Amigo's drift.  Anyway, "7" divorces hubby Jack Ryan in 1999.  A few years later, during Jack's campaign for the US Senate, it comes out that the (ahem) bone of contention in the marriage had much to do with Jack's pressure to have Jeri do certain things in public that one generally does in the privacy of one's domicile.  Various clubs in New Orleans, Paris, etc, were implicated... cages, harnesses, etc, were allegedly involved. One can only imagine.  Maximum Stun, indeed.

Anyway, the Moral Right becomes Rightly Outraged at these... revelations; although the Amigo cannot of course quote chapter and verse. True Conservatives, after all, mate through immaculate conception, artificial insemination, or sneezing.

Under pressure, Jack withdraws his... tainted... candidacy.

The Right is now in disarray. Wing Nut Alan Keyes leaps into the breech (Ed Note: the breech is defined as the rear part of the bore of a gun, esp the opening and associated mechanism that permits insertion of a projectile).  Wing Nut is handily defeated by relative political newcomer. We, the People, are blessed with a new Junior Senator from Illinois.

The new Senator blasts onto the national scene, captures the imagination and hopes of several generations, and charts a new course for the Ship of State.  The storms have not yet abated, but we may hope for sunnier climes ahead. 

The Amigo is convinced that science fiction is a force to be reckoned with in the world... and in all the quadrants of the galaxy.


Al said...

I had to refamiliarize myself with the Jeri/Jack Ryan thing, which I then it when those Right Wing(nut) hypocrites get caught with their hand? in the cookie jar?. I never noticed the chain of events that led to Obama being a Senator from Illinois. Very interesting and well told. I can imagine that Obama might not be President-elect right now if Ryan had not given into the Dark Side.

Tex said...

ya' just couldn't make this stuff up...