Friday, December 12, 2008

Customizing Slippers

A while ago, not too long, Angel bought me a pair of slippers.  My previous pair had gone the way of all things.  Angel found a pair "on sale"... at a very reasonable price.  Sort of a cross between penny loafers and moccasins with fuzz inside but with a nice rubber sole that helps to keep the Old Amigo vertical as he shuffles around the abode.

Now the moccasin-like aspect of these slippers was the only part that seemed unsatisfactory.  The "leather" (who knows what the actual material is) thong lacing around the top-front of the left moccasin were apparently not of adequate strength. The thong would break and I'd unthread it to get a little slack in it and tie it off again.  Sometimes it would break again during this process. Eventually I reached a position where the thong was strong enough, but a good third of the top of the moccasin was now flapping in the breeze.  That was both unsightly and sub-optimal in the basic purpose of a slipper.

I requested that Angel look for a pair of boot laces -- something (according to my calculations) pretty long with reinforced tips that I could thread through the holes on the top of the slipper with the bad thong.

Angel & M**2 returned from a shopping trip with a pair of boot laces.  Plenty long. Some kind of synthetic material -- nylon maybe -- so plenty strong too.

Well, last evening I worked on the left slipper and replaced the thong with the boot lace. It's now functioning at maximum slipper-ness. Not only that, it looks really cool... so cool in fact that I felt compelled to make the same mod to the right slipper.  See, the boot laces have this sort of dark brown / light brown woven pattern.  It's really sharp looking.

Customized slippers.  Who'd a thought it.  The Friendly One smiles each time he looks at his toasty warm feet. 

1 comment:

Al said...

Mere words cannot possibly describe that which you wish to... Post a picture, please!