Squashes & A Beautiful Red Cabbage |
First the red cabbage: yesterday, Angel harvested a gorgeous red cabbage. We went to a potluck supper and she used the cabbage (and a couple of carrots picked at the same time) to make a delicious cole slaw. BTW, it was a vegetarian potluck and the variety and quantities of food were quite nice.
As you can see from the photo at the right, the squashes are ramping up. We've already eaten a few of the early zucchini and yellow squashes and found them to be very tasty. Now more are coming on-line. In addition, we're starting to see some golden-yellow round squashes.
Interestingly, the deer rarely bother the squash plants. They'll eat rose bushes, thorny stems and all, right down to the ground, but there's something about zucchini plants that causes the deer to look the other way. Works for me. Little-by-little, we learn to work with the local flora and fauna.
Angel and I both wish we could afford to terrace & fence the whole meadow and fill it with fruit trees. It would be a productive area as well as a wonderful place to hang out. That was part of the original plan, but of course plans change, don't they? Anyway, we're both very happy with the amount of produce we're already getting, and we do have four little fruit trees inside the fenced area behind the garage.
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We're experiencing record temps up here at the edge. The meadow area needs mowing, but I'm going to wait on it for a few days. The forecast is for milder temps by Wednesday or Thursday of this week. Yesterday, at about 10 AM, I mowed one of the flat parts of the property and it was already uncomfortably hot. Today's forecast calls for even higher temperatures, so I'll go outside to water my tomato vines and will tend to my greenhouse chilies but am otherwise planning to stay in the shade as much as I can.
I will be teaching a yoga class tonight at the athletic club. It's especially fun to teach when it's warm in the studio (shucks, the Bikram folks pay money to do yoga in hot rooms); although I do have to be careful about standing up too quickly. It's generally considered poor form when the yoga teacher faints...
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