Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Train Is Rolling

We signed the papers to list our home on Thursday afternoon.

Friday evening we had our first showing. From early feedback, the showing went "extremely well." Of course we don't have an offer as a result of the showing, so that's a relative term. Still, had the people reacted strongly to the price point (about 80% of what we paid for the place), we'd have heard about it, so that's a positive.

This coming Thursday is a big real estate broker/agent tour. A very few items remain to be done, but it already shows very well, so there are grounds for guarded optimism. In the meantime, we're trying to live in our home and enjoy it. Obviously, we'll undertake no large projects, but we will proceed with a vegetable garden and a few visually pleasing plantings on the deck. The garden factors so visibly and readily in the yard, that anyone interested in our house would almost certainly be interested in the garden, the greenhouse, the new drip irrigation system, and so on.

This is naturally somewhat traumatic, but Angel & I are about as confident as possible that it is the right move. After two years of looking for work and getting nowhere, it is time to try sunnier climes. The Venerable Friendly One has some friends in other states... and – just perhaps – a semi-viable professional network.

In the meantime, I've learned a lot about building things and landscaping. Expensive tuition, yes, but it is likely to work out well. Little is lost by hoping for the best.

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