Monday, August 10, 2009

The West Side

More progress on the path I'm installing on the west side of our garage. Yesterday I was able to level a space 3' x 8' and lay in a frame of treated lumber. Now I'm in the process of filling the center with ~4" of dirt.

The dirt is over on the east area - the newly terraced bit where I have 550 landscape blocks stacked. That project is in line after the path and garage-west cleanup/beautify. Anyway, I needed to get the dirt moved. That means the wheelbarrow. First wheelbarrow full, I noticed that the tire needed air. Seriously.

So I rummaged around in the garage to find the air hose. That took about a half hour. Then I hooked everything up and fired up my air compressor... first time in about a year. Turns out that one of the fittings was damaged slightly in our move, so there's a slight leak. It's still good enough to hold some air though. Got the wheelbarrow tire pumped up. Then the tires on the hand truck (one of those was completely empty). Finally I pumped up the front tire on the bike.

Then I bled the air compressor and opened the water valve on the bottom of the tank and put everything away.

Then I hauled four more wheelbarrows of dirt over. I think another ten or so will do it. Then I'll wet everything down and let it sit for a week. Then I will be able to pull up the frame and lay in some landscape fabric. When the frame goes back down, another 24 square feet of path will be ready for bark chips.

Little by little.

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