Saturday, May 2, 2009

What Happened?

It's May 2nd. Yesterday was another sunny day -- the latest in a string of lovely days in which the PV array pumped out lots of energy.

Today, however, dawned cold and gray. It is as if the calendar had been set back over a month. This is the first weekend of the local farmers' market, and it was raining when we began our day.

Now, please don't misunderstand, I enjoy cool and rainy... cool and foggy... cool and overcast. It is just a surprise when the weather changes so abruptly. Soon I will join Angel in the garden. We have barely scratched the surface of what we need to do; although we are seeing potatoes and lettuce growing in the garden.

One other brief bit: at 12:01AM yesterday (May 1st), WDOT shut down the Hood Canal Bridge. This is a long-planned maintenance shut down. It will last from four to six weeks. The teams are working on the bridge 24 hours per day to get it back up as quickly as possible.

Big controversy among the locals. Consternation in some quarters. This is not a big deal to Angel and me. We have, after all, only visited The City twice in the past 12 months. The local shops and those the next town over have nearly everything we need.

But some people seem very wound up about the Hood Canal Bridge being down. They write (some barely) letters to the editor of the local paper. Their letters castigate the WDOT for shutting down the bridge. It is baffling. In other parts of the country, bridges are allowed to deteriorate and fail.

Me, I'm glad that the bridge is being maintained. Bridges should bridge. People should think.

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