Sunday, January 18, 2009

Good Winter Days

Something surprises the Amigo in this January here at the Edge.

Last night, the fog rolled in.  Dense, gray, muting.  Across the water, fog horns sounded throughout the night and morning.  In early light, there were no shadows.

As we enjoyed a late breakfast, the fog began to lift and the sun emerged, brilliant and bright.

The last two days have been mostly sunny, clear, and crisp.  Right about now (just before 2:00PM) it is 45 degrees Obsolete in the shade.  The sun is streaming through the south-facing windows.  Although neither the furnace nor the wood stove is running, is comfortable and warm in the room where I am typing this.

So many people cautioned that there would be essentially No sunny, bright days here in the Far North Winter.  This has not turned out to be the case.  The sun is low in the sky and big trees to the south shade our PV array.  This means that we generate little electrical energy this time of year.  Still, on days like today, we need little energy to be comfortable.

Right now, I'm working my way through a W3 Schools tutorial on JavaScript.  This is my latest milestone in the effort to learn enough skills to become once-again employable.  The weather is perfect for my studies and I am making good progress.  I've already used bits and pieces of JavaScript in my work for Nailtini, but there are many more things to do.

With MySQL, PHP, and JavaScript, I ought to be able to do some useful work. Probably, the next milestone after that should be Java; although I don't know if I can do that w/o paying for compilers, etc.  The Nailtini site is growing in functionality and my first "customer" (Angel) is giving me good feedback. 

Isabelle is sleeping somewhere warm.

But the Amigo digresses...

The day is beautiful, peaceful, comfortable.  Made for learning.

Later, I plan to attempt to modify a recipe for dark chocolate fudge.  That will be an adventure of a different sort.

Back to the studies.

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