Saturday, December 26, 2009
Graywater Use in CA
Thursday, December 24, 2009
United Breaks Guitars
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Water in SoCal
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Near the Solstice
- Start standing
- Raise the arms overhead
- Sweep the arms out to the sides as you fold forward to touch (the neighborhood of) the floor
- Arch up so that you flatten the back like a table top (careful with your neck!)
- Step the feet back
- Drop into the low part of a push up
- Put the tops of the feet on the floor. Push the upper body up so that you're doing a back bend. Tops of feet, palms of hands on floor. Spine vertical. Fronts of the legs just off the floor
- Reverse (sorta). Lift your bottom so that your body forms an inverted "V". Arms and legs straight
- Step the feet between the hands
- Arch up (like item 4.)
- Fold forward (like item 3.)
- Sweep the arms out to the sides and then overhead as you stand up straight.
Interesting Vid from U of Minn
The Old Amigo follows a small handful of other blogs. One featured a YouTube vid from the University of Minnesota's Institute of the Environment. It's worth a look. And a thought.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
First Snow of the Season
Saturday, November 7, 2009

Well, maybe it is a little bit pathetic, but this entry is about granola.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
It Happens
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Book Update
The New Garden
Saturday, September 19, 2009
A Ferry Ride
Last weekend was the annual Wooden Boat Festival. Angel and I rode the ferry over to Whidbey Island and back just so that we could take photos of some of the sites from an offshore perspective. The day was warm and bright, and there were many wooden boats in the harbor.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Some Updates
- We've had lots of family and friends visiting us this season. Angel and I are grateful for the company and the reassurance that people want to see us.
- I continue to look for work. Many, many hours of my life are poured into this channel each week. From what I can tell, the channel leads to an abyss.
- The yard. The yard. The yard. Heavy, satisfying work. A new retaining wall is underway. More soil trucked in.
- I've been working on my novel. It's immensely satisfying, and against my better judgment, I hope something comes of it. I have passed page 430 in my first draft. The effort has transmogrified into "what should I not write about?"
Sunday, August 23, 2009
The Path
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Energy Update
Monday, August 10, 2009
The West Side
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Eventually, the thing’s hunger overcame its caution and it emerged fully. It was at least seven feet long. Easily the biggest prey she’d attempted. A risk, but worth it for what it might bring to her. Alicia waited until a split second before the thing’s jaws had closed on the bait. And then, committing herself fully to the attack, she leaped from her perch.
550 Stackable Landscape Blocks
Friday, July 24, 2009
Retaining Wall In!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Driest Summer on Record
Friday, July 10, 2009
Summer Continues!
While each season has its charms, summer in the Olympic National Forest can be pretty amazing. Angel took these shots on a recent day trip. Wow!
It is hard to post when so much else is going on, but the venerable Friendly One will try...
At long last, the garden seems to be perking up. Yesterday we ate some kohlrabi. Zucchini are getting ready and we'll probably have some tonight. Salad greens have been flowing -- some doing better than others. Even the broccoli is producing.
We have met more long-time residents. The story is largely the same: the glacial til has few nutrients. "Compost, compost, compost" is the spell that seems best suited to the invocation of successful gardens. So we are getting as serious as we can with composting. I turned a big pile just this AM in fact. We try to enliven the soil by adding nutrients.
A friend's wife keeps rabbits as pets. They graze in the yard or are fed chemical-free "rabbit chow". We collect the manure and it goes, together with some straw from the hutches, into the compost bins. Kitchen and garden waste are added to the stew. Eventually, the right proportions of wet and dry, green and brown, hot and cold are approached. We turn the mix to add air.
It is but a matter of time, I suppose, but patience is not an easy lesson to learn.
Monday (weather and contractors willing) we will move a bit of soil around near the driveway. We will add a small concrete retaining wall to the south of the main vegetable garden. The result will be a minimum of nine feet of clearance between the bank and the south property line.
This will allow us to bring small trucks and building materials to the undeveloped parts of the property. The Old Amigo wants an even larger fenced garden area outside his office. This will feature raised beds and, if it all works out, rain-catchment-centric irrigation. Right now it is a massively scraggly weed patch, albeit a sunny one.
Step-by-step, we journey.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
High Summer in the PNW
Sunday, June 28, 2009
class warfare
- As late as 1980, the top 1% of salary earners accounted for something on the order of 9% of the national income.
- By 2007, the top 1% accounted for 20% of the national income.
- How long will we stay on this path?
- How much is "enough". The top 1% is now sucking up 20% of all income. Is 30% enough? 50% 75%? The Old Amigo can't answer that one. Probably each of you has his/her own answer.
- What can you do about it? (Hint: you know the answer already).
Thursday, June 18, 2009
The Oil Swine
The industry spent $44.5 million lobbying Congress and federal agencies in the first three months of this year, on pace to shatter last year's record. Only the drug industry spent more.Last year's total of $129 million was up 73 percent from two years earlier. That's a faster clip than any other major industry, according to data from the Center for Responsive Politics.
From the late 1990s through the first half of this decade, the oil industry spent roughly $50 million to $60 million a year on lobbying. It ramped up lobbying in 2006, when Democrats retook Congress, and further as President Barack Obama took office.
Does leave any doubt in your mind about:
- Big Oil intending to stall or kill outright any efforts to move our economy to a more sustainable model?
- Big Oil clearly putting the profits of a few incredibly rich criminals (DICK Cheney comes to mind, but he's far from alone) about the well-being of our entire society?
- This having nothing to do w/ "free enterprise"? Big Oil has been nursing at the taxpayers' collective breast for a century. They've been engaged in criminal market manipulation to undercut competition for a similar period.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
A Moment of Silence
Resting, Writing
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Finding a Foothold

Big Step

Yesterday, after lots of effort, lifting, sifting, and digging, we wrapped up the retaining wall project. The long side of this wall is nearly 40' from the stairs in the background to the leading edge near the camera.