Monday, October 13, 2008

Feels a Little Like Wednesday's Child

First the good.

I got into the garden again today.  Put in maybe 2 hours of dirt shifting, rock shifting before I got tired and the weather turned nasty-ish.  It wasn't terribly bad (the weather) but the wind kicked up and it looked like it would start raining any second. And I got a bit tired of operating my shovel.  If I can get about the same amount of time in again tomorrow, I ought to have things rearranged well enough to restart the dirt prep.  OTOH, the young farmer we're hiring to help us called Angel and said she can't come this week -- she needs to get her garlic in.  I wish we were planting garlic.  Perhaps next year...

Which brings us to the less good.

My career consultant sent me some documents that were intended to be of help in my search for employment.  I'm talking gainful employment now.  While I mostly enjoy teaching my 5 yoga classes each week, the employment is more loss-full than gainful.  But I digress.  I read some of these documents.  They basically say that I'm hosed.  

See, most legitimate companies will only let existing, well-regarded employees telecommute. So if one loses his job for any reason, it's not likely a real company will hire him as a telecommuter right off.  First he must prove himself.

Since I can walk from one end of this town to the other in two hours, I wouldn't really need to telecommute if I could find a job here (which so far I haven't).  That pretty much means that if I want to obtain gainful employment, I will have to move back to a big city.  Hosed, see?

Now I haven't (quite) given up hope yet.  It is just possible that one of my contacts, someone who really knows me and my work ethic will be willing to get me hired at something like 25% of my previous income to do something.  Like technical writing.  Or editing.  Or web content development.  Or news stories.  

Basically, if I could make any decent salary & medical benefits doing something useful and good, I'd be more than satisfied.  We'll see.  One of my former colleagues in The Valley asked me to send him a copy of my DVD.  He has many contacts.  Perhaps... perhaps.

I really did land on the wrong rock, didn't I?

"Bring me a rock, please."

"Here.  This is a pretty rock."

"Sorry.  Wrong rock."

It was raining when I got to PTAC to teach my yoga class this evening.  Luckily I got a pretty good parking spot.  

When I came out it was no longer raining, but the wind was starting to blow.  Now, nearly 9:00PM, the wind is clutching at the edges of the house.  Our home is sturdy, solid and well-planted in the hillside, so the wind cannot get so much as a fingernail lodged in the cedar siding or the standing seam roof.  But the wind tries. And howls its frustration when it can do nothing but go around things.

The fire pops.  The wind alternately whispers and howls.  Angel says she's sleepy and goes to brush her teeth.  As she always does, Isabelle follows to see if Primary Human is doing anything interesting.

I ate an early dinner and would like a snack before bed.

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